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Human trafficking is a global pandemic and healthcare providers are on the front lines of being able to identify and help victims. The International Labour Organization (ILO) estimates that 24.9 million men, women, and children are bought, sold, and enslaved around the world is often hidden in plain sight. They are in factories, fields, private homes, and on our streets; and every day, they interact with healthcare providers. No population is exempt: it affects all ages, races, genders, sexual orientations, ethnicities, and other demographics.
Healthcare professionals are in a unique and trusted position, making it imperative for them to be fully informed about human trafficking. Ideally, physicians and other allied professionals can be part of what is referred to as a “multidisciplinary response” to trafficking. This means that within the healthcare setting and the community, providers should be able to identify both the presence of human trafficking within their practice setting and know about resources within their communities to be able to assist trafficked persons.
CME Objectives: After completing this activity, learners will be able to: • Explain what sex and labor trafficking is. • Identify potential victims of human trafficking. • Clarify the behavioral dynamics related to human trafficking. • Encourage routine screening procedures for the possibility of patient history of domestic violence or trafficking. • Identify the best options for referral to community resources. • Encourage the establishment of documentation policies in trafficking cases. • Increase advocacy within the healthcare community for victims of trafficking.
Disclosure: The planners of this activity have nothing to disclose. The authors/faculty have nothing to disclose. Estimated Completion Time: One Hour Released: August 2019 Reviewed: January 7, 2025 Expires: December 31, 2025 Instructions for earning credit: Learner must read the course materials in their entirety and complete the course assessment/evaluation.
1 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ (HT - MOC)
The Florida Medical Association is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education activities for physicians.
The Florida Medical Association designates this enduring material for a maximum of 1 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only those credits commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
MOC Credit: Through the American Board of Medical Specialties (“ABMS”) ongoing commitment to increase access to practice relevant Continuing Certification Activities through the ABMS Continuing Certification Directory, this course has met the requirements as an MOC Part II CME Activity (apply toward general CME requirement) for the following ABMS Member Boards: Allergy and Immunology; Anesthesiology; Family Medicine; Medical Genetics and Genomics; Nuclear Medicine; Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation; Plastic Surgery; Preventive Medicine; Psychiatry & Neurology; Radiology; Thoracic Surgery; and Urology (
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